Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ahem, Coindesk. Nope -- This Is Not A "Post-Dollar" Hegemony Era, Now Opening. [Sanctions Tangents]

Look -- I get that the various maximalists / boosters for Bitcoin and the other cryptos want desperately for the era of the fiat currency controlled world to come to an end.

Hoping that the implosion of Russia’s economy will bring it. . . is not going to do it. Just as the mythical championing Russian oligarchs’ evasion of sanctions by using it. . . is not going to, either.

In sum, we are mostly seeing a form of "fiat economies' unification" -- in a crisis -- last witnessed in WW II. In many ways, it is giving the "old ways" of protecting freedoms. . . new vitality, in its unity of mind.

The "old money" world is almost 99% unified in its ostracism of Putin.

And that will not improve Bitcoin's chances. On any front.

Cheers -- baby girls back to their momma'; grown kids' Zoom in 15 minutes. . . smile.


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