Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Mid-Week Adminis-Trivia: Amazon... Has Been Very Kind To My Portfolio -- Financial, And Philosphical -- In The Past Year, Or So. Grin.

Amazon just announced a 20 for 1 split. That makes the stock much more affordable in smaller IRAs and 401(K)s. Smart move -- drives deeper retail investing level account-penetration.

The company also authorized another large tranche of stock buy-backs. . . thus also driving up scarcity for the shares. Sweet.

In response, after NASDAQ close, the stock is up over eight per cent tonight. Cool.

But really, I write to applaud the moral stance it took at AWS, just a year ago -- in shutting Parler off (last iteration, during the insurrection and sedition -- by these Tangerine folks, now getting five- and ten year federal jail sentences). And I applaud the moves to address union organizers' concerns -- offering something finally approaching real, sustainable living wages and schedules to the drivers and warehouse workers. Good on 'ya.

And thanks for the additional dough, y'all. [Even if I don't love. . . Bezos' privatized near-space junk.] Grin.


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