Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Craig Wright's "Bar Tab" -- For Stealing Those "-Toshi" Drinks, From A Man's Miami Wake... Hits $143.4 Million, As Of Yesterday...

Regular readers will recall (with my backgrounder, here) that the "Fake-Toshi" was ordered by a jury verdict to pay the Estate of Kleiman $100 million, for conversion (essentially, theft) of intellectual property belonging to a dead man's estate. Now the able USDC Judge Bloom in Miami has this morning awarded an additional $43.4 million in interest, from 2013 -- when the theft occurred (updated later on March 9, to include actual final amended judgment).

That is just, and wise -- but I am increasingly worried that Wright intends to use various tricks of geo-political ledger-domain (and private jet flights) -- changing residences to non-reachable jurisdictions, all to avoid ever paying what he owes -- for these thefts. In any event, here is the full opinion and order, and the sharp end of that spear:

. . .Plaintiff W&K now seeks to amend the Final Judgment to include prejudgment interest in the amount of $43,132,492.48. See generally ECF No. [860]. Specifically, W&K argues that, under Florida law, it “is entitled to prejudgment interest from the date of its loss” -- i.e., “the date of the conversion.” Id. at 2. W&K maintains that “for the purpose of affixing a date for the commencement of prejudgment interest, there can be no dispute that November 6, 2013 is the appropriate date.” Id. at 3.

In so arguing, W&K points out neither party denied that Defendant “seized control over the intellectual property at issue under the auspices of two Australian Court Judgments.” Id. Nor did the parties dispute “that the latest of those Judgments was entered on November 6, 2013.” Id. W&K further highlights that Defendant “himself argued that the ‘very latest date’ this conversion ‘could possibly have accrued[,] was November 6, 2013.’” Id. . . .

The motion is granted [for ~$143.4 million]. . . .

The highly-likely truth of it though, is that as he has his entire adult life, Craig Wright is very prone to either make himself insolvent, or he already is. . . insolvent.

At least as to assets now discoverable on any public record. Yet and still, we strongly suspect he has money squirreled away in numbered Swiss or other accounts. My bet is that he intends to just "bob and weave" for a decade or more -- not paying either the $100 million for theft/conversion, or the daily increasing $43.4 million -- which would push it over $200 million if he is able to stall -- until 2030 or so.

Ugh. What an unctious persona he is. Out, grinning just the same. . . .


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