Tuesday, February 8, 2022

UPDATE: "Omicron Upsurge" Increases Required Reporting About Asylum Seekers' Health And Safety, Even In Shortened Durations Of Detention (Since 01.21.21): USDC Judge Dolly Gee

At the outset, the able Judge Gee took pains to acknowledge that, under the new Administration, the government defendants have done a much better job of honoring our treaty obligations, and federal law -- in handling the processing of Southern Border arrivals.

Even so, due to the ongoing pandemic, and omicron in particular -- she is ordering a return to the enhanced reporting, so as to closely monitor the health and safety of arriving asylum seekers. This is true, even as the government has agreed to pay all the Ms. L. plaintiffs' legal fees, given the (41-3) clear violations of federal law, under the former Tangerine-hued guy.

. . .While Defendants have made many improvements and implemented appropriate protocols to meet the challenges posed by the pandemic, the Omicron upsurge and the ongoing risks of COVID-19 infection still pose serious concerns relating to Class Members’ health and safety. The Court therefore requests that the Juvenile Coordinators address the same topics for reporting as in the Court’s previous Order. . . .

By April 8, 2022, the Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”), and Office of Refugee Resettlement (“ORR”) Juvenile Coordinators shall file their next interim reports. Each Juvenile Coordinator will report on: (i) the census of minors in each of the agency’s facilities; (ii) the average length of stay for minors currently in the agency’s facilities and for minors who have been released, with more details to assist the Court and the parties in tracking these metrics; (iii) the number of minors currently testing positive for COVID-19; and (iv) whether the Juvenile Coordinator has adequate personnel or other capacity to provide detailed monitoring of new or expanded facilities. . . .

Onward. . . with temps now touching 40 here in the sunshine this afternoon. . . the flash-melt is in full force, and effect. Smile. . . .


1 comment:

condor said...

Laughing multi hops… 12:09 am!