Wednesday, February 9, 2022

[Tangent: Perhaps A New Blog?] Bitcoin To $10,000? [Riot To $4/Share, Again?] More Likely By 2023 Than… $200,000.

In an overnight Barron’s analysis piece, the case is made that the Fed tends to “overshoot the mark” when it uses tightening monetary policies to rein in inflationary pressures.

Inflationary pressure has been clear in late 2021 and early 2022, and the Fed has signaled it will hike interest rates four or five times in 2022 -- to tame it. Each hike might be a quarter to a half of a per cent.

That alone would cause a serious tightening in the economy, which itself might take another six months to re-calibrate, adjust and recover.

That’s the case for a "risk off" rotation — and thus, a crypto winter through perhaps mid 2023, minimum. And Forbes sees the low temps during this “winter” hitting $10,000 — or down about 75 per cent from this morning’s spot levels around $44,000.

So, as a Condor prediction: that outcome is far more likely than some “magic beans” explosion to $200,000, as predicted by the “Bitcoin moonies” -- all by the end of 2022.

And Riot Blockchain will “die on the vine” at $10,000… again (as in early 2020).

Now, all of this is here because I was amazed by the story of the $3.5 billion "Bonnie and Clyde" Bitfinex arrests yesterday. The pair could easily have been ripped from a Marvel comic book.

And they may inspire a new blog, like the Shkreli one. But most of all, after watching her "rap" (trust me, you do NOT want to see THAT!). . . I kept thinking of the below scene by the immortal and very-campy Eddie Arcadia’s girlfriend in “The Last Dragon” — she’s played charmingly by Faith Prince. Do watch; it well-captures all this couple. . . is:

Hilarious! And. . . now you know. Onward, smiling. . . .


1 comment:

condor said...

Once more, at 9:36 pm, just now… baby girl may need shoulder surgery… like my youngest boy four years ago. Ugh.