Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday's Humorous Trivia: Apparently Tennessee DOESN'T Allow Mythical "Fluffy Ponies" To Have Unrestricted Drivers' Licences...

We were told, now over two months ago, that Mr. Spagni (a crypto-whale, and the man also known as the Monero crypto-coin's "Fluffy Pony", who was nabbed after trying to flee the US on a private jet to Mexico. . . but was caught refueling in Music City, and jailed for four months. . . well, he) no longer sought to oppose his rightful extradition from Tennessee, for felony frauds commited a decade ago, in South Africa -- and that his lawyers were hard at work on the final paperwork and conditions of extradition to that country. In the mean time, he had been granted strictly monitored local release from the Nashville lock-up, primarily to avoid COVID contraction risks, since he has underlying health conditions and is overweight. [More of my background, on it at another property, there.]

Now, over the objection of the able AUSAs and the pretrial services, he seeks the release of his Italian passport to his lawyers, so that he might be able to drive around Nashville (his ankle monitor will alert if he tries to flee the Nashville metro area, he says). Me? I am not sure why this should be made so easy when Tennessee has a firm policy against giving undocumented humans drivers' licenses -- he should face the same "music" that people crossing our southern border do (also unjustly) in Music City. Here is that motion from Friday, and a bit of it:

. . .Mr. Spagni recently appeared at the DMV and attempted to obtain a Tennessee driver’s license. Unfortunately, employees of the DMV informed Mr. Spagni that his Italian passport was required as “Proof of authorized stay or temporary legal presence in the United States.” (See, providing applicants must present proof of either U.S. Citizenship, Lawful Permanent Resident Status or Proof of authorized stay or temporary legal presence in the United States.). . . .

To be crystal clear, Mr. Spagni does not request that he be permitted to personally possess the passport, or that he be able to retain the passport for any period of time. Instead, he requests that a third party be permitted to take possession of the passport and accompany Mr. Spagni directly to the DMV and back. Undersigned counsel, either personally or through a member of his law firm, is willing to perform this limited duty. . . .

Most of all, I write this to express the hope that he is very soon deported, in hand cuffs -- to Pretoria. He should no longer be any distraction / concern to the US State Department -- we have much bigger ponies (like. . . Razzlekahn and Dutch) to catch. Onward -- a busy fun day with lil' girls. . . out in the sunshine and 40s ahead!

And we wish the right-wise longest reigning Queen of England a full and speedy recovery. Truly, get well ma'am.


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