Sunday, February 20, 2022

At Law, This Is Known As A Materially-False Statement (About Financial Condition), Intended To Cause Third Parties To Contract, To Their Detriment...

. . .as such, it is actionable, under most states'- and federal- laws. Actionable, if a lender, or an investor or limited partner or customer, supplier or construction firm. . . working with or for any Tangerine-affiliated world-wide project is made to expend more funds or incur more losses than would have obtained, had the challenged statements actually been. . . true.

It is convenient that he has set the statements out -- in writing, for the world to see, effectively on national television (, in an advertisement on his own personal verified account, no less -- at a time when it is certain that various lenders (at least) are considering calling his loans (in default) -- for lack of audited financials. For ten years.

If, in fact, he is "loaded with cash" and "has very low debt" he will weather this storm. [But his lenders paint a very different picture.] If those statements are NOT true, in turn -- and he causes others to forego better, more stable opportunities, or expend extra cash (due to collection delays, or interest charges made by/to others). . . those people can and should sue his now shaky "empire". And him personally. He is personally making the above highlighted claims. Not the Tangerine web of companies -- in a non-recourse fashion.

This is the sort of fraud that goes well-beyond simple puffery. His accountants last week withdrew his audited financials for the last ten years. That is a fact. A materially negative fact. So he here offers what he regards as a materially positive assertion -- of purported fact, to counter the withdrawal.

So, this at above right is intended to stop the bleeding. But IF he is lying about these material financial matters -- his lenders are certainly being damaged by these lies.

Stay tuned. Much more to come.

Out -- grinning. . . ever, grinning.


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