Monday, February 28, 2022

"Say A Lil' Prayer..." -- For The People In Harm's Way Tonight, Due To Putin And Trump.

Based on the continued rise in Bitcoin, as a trading pair with the Russian Ruble (and the continued decline of the Ruble), it would seem likely that at least some Russian oligarchs are piling their local currency hoards into. . . Bitcoin, as they know the dollar and euro are both closed to them. [Unlike paper dollars, the Bitcoin addresses may be effectively locked, by a polite note saying "Hey -- please do not buy, sell or transact with this address." Rather handy, in times such as these -- assuming most coiners will act morally.]

Bitcoin architects would be wise to help identify these addresses, converted from a Russian fiat currency, and help the entire moral world isolate these actors. Put them on the sidelines.

And between now and then, do sing along with Aretha & me, below the quote:

. . .Trading volumes between the Russian ruble and bitcoin increased to a nine-month high as the country's fiat currency plunged to record lows due to the fallout from the invasion of the Ukraine.

Data tracked by Kaiko, a Paris-based cryptocurrency research provider, shows that ruble (RUB)-denominated bitcoin volume surged to nearly 1.5 billion RUB on Thursday, hitting its highest level since May. . . .


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