Monday, February 14, 2022

[U: Jury Says "NYT Not Liable"] Sarah Palin, Loser; A Free Press: Winner.

UPDATED -- 02.15.2022 @ 6 PM EST: Pretty much as we said, the jury has come back with a full defense verdict. The NYT is not liable for. . . anything, to Ms. Palin. Any appeal from Team Palin will be. . . frivolous, now. But whatever. End update.

Well -- that's not the Valentine's Day card Ms. Palin was hoping for. Heh. USDC Judge Jed Radkoff is going to bounce her libel and defamation suit against the NYT.

Even so, he thinks the jury which is still deliberating (should it not find for her). . . might help convince her to stop wasting judicial resources, and forestall any additional appeals, by her. But the able, if slightly unconventional federal judge in Manhattan said from the bench that he sees no set of facts under which Palin could recover damages from the NYT.

He is saying there was no evidence offered by her, of actual malice, or of reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of the statements she claims libeled her.

This is where Candace Owens' libel claims ended as well, against Zuck. So I won't bother to make another graphic. Heh.



Anonymous said...

Maybe she should have picked a better lawyer....'Better call Rudy' (parody intended).

Be safe

condor said...


Yes, erstwhile Anon.

Or. . . she could just order a functioning fore-brain -- of her own.

Opinions are. . . not actionable. Period.

Just as Ms. Owens will (again) learn that FB doesn't owe her a living, or a following -- its a free service. She's free to. . . leave.

And FB putting a "fact check" warning/label on a post by her is not. . . defamation or libel.

Sheesh -- anyhoo. . . watch out, and be safe!

Big storm coming here, and there. . . grin.