Sunday, January 23, 2022

Will Ivanka Cooperate With The January 6 Committee? I Think She Will...

Once again, EmptyWheel is the definitive source to follow, on all of this. At least if you want to know what is really going to happen, that is -- not in the land of Q.

I expect she will come in and claim that she was "against the sedition" all along. But that won't be. . . enough. She indeed will have to turn over all her records, to the National Archive, and that office in turn will have to allow the Committee access to them, as she has no real privilege claims, and was a member of the elite Executive Branch, in various capacities ever since 2017. In there will be her privatized deal to sell Chinese made voting machines, with chips in them (under her personal brand license) in various localities inside Georgia -- among other things. Charming.

. . .[T]his letter has focused on the many other scathing details included in it:

▲ Proof that Trump knew he was making an illegal request of Mike Pence (and that Ivanka knew such pressure was wrong)

▲ Proof that multiple people attempted to get Trump to call off the violence (and that staffers repeatedly asked Ivanka to intercede to get him to do so)

▲ Proof that advisors including Kaleigh McEnany and Sean Hannity attempted to get Trump to disavow these efforts

In response to the letter, Ivanka issued a statement making it clear that [only as of] on January 6 [2021] she disavowed the violence caused by her father.

"Ivanka Trump just learned that the Jan. 6 Committee issued a public letter asking her to appear. As the Committee already knows, Ivanka did not speak at the January 6 rally. As she publicly stated that day at 3:15pm, “any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful. . . .”

But that doesn’t account for another detail of the letter that has gotten far less attention than the eye-popping new details about Trump’s actions: Chairman Thompson reminded Ivanka (in a paragraph that seemingly addresses another topic) not just of the requirements of the Presidential Records Act, but also that she got formal notice of those requirements in 2017. . . .

Should be entertaining. If she ever hopes to avoid going down with the Tangerine Conspiracy (and possibly end in a jail cell), now is the time to come clean. We shall see.


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