Friday, January 21, 2022

Hilarious Friday "Stupid Criminals" Dept.: Rudy's "Kracken" Turns Around, And Swallows HIM, Whole!

The third party neutral / monitor engaged by the USDC in Manhattan -- to review Rudy Giuliani's seven devices, for relevant information -- pursuant to the warrants issued last year, on the criminal insurrection investigations (while being mindful of attorney client privileges if any -- and protecting against unduly broad "fishing expeditions") has filed an updated status report overnight. It strongly suggests that Rudy is in deep peril, as is Tangerine himself -- since we may fairly assume Rudy had no filter, on those devices. None, whatsover.

Do go read Emptywheel for all of the implications, but here are the full findings from the status report, and an interesting bit:

. . .After consultation with the Government and Mr. Giuliani’s counsel, I next assigned for review the chats and messages on Mr. Giuliani’s remaining devices within the time frame December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019. There were 3,204 such items. Mr. Giuliani’s counsel informed me that they do not assert privilege over any of these documents, and they were released to the Government’s investigative team on January 19, 2022. . . .

Now you know. . . the gray steel wheels of justice it is said, turn very slowly -- but they do grind. . . to very fine powder, in the end. Out now, smiling into the long shadows of the after-school Day 100 sunshine!


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