Thursday, January 20, 2022

What Marsha Blackburn Hath Wrought -- "Only X-stian Belief Adoptions"?! -- But The Holston United Methodist Home Takes State And Federal Funding.

If a health care / adoptive services provider takes state and federal funding (as Holston United Methodist Home does), it may not discriminate on the basis of religion. Full stop -- that's about 75 years of black letter Supreme Court law. [See, for example, United States .v Windsor, 570 U.S. 744 (2013) -- see also Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. Hialeah (1993).] But that is precisely what Mr. Williams (as CEO) does, here.

This is what happens when GOP operatives insist we are a "christian first" nation. We are precisely. . . Swiss, on the matter. Marsha Blackburn is in no small measure responsible for driving this ahistorical, and unconstitutional perversion of American values. Here's the bit:

. . .The couple said the agency initially told them that it would help them with their out-of-state placement, but later told them it can only serve Christian-belief families, the lawsuit alleges.

"I felt like I'd been punched in the gut," Elizabeth Rutan-Ram said in a news release. "It was the first time I felt discriminated against because I am Jewish. It was very shocking. And it was very hurtful that the agency seemed to think that a child would be better off in state custody than with a loving family like us."

The agency said in the lawsuit it has received public funding to provide foster care placement and training, among other services, for the state Department of Children's Services. . . .

The image at right really says it all. Who ARE these people? Did they ever take High School Civics? Damnation. Out.



Anonymous said...

Didn't the treaty of Tripoli define that we are not a christian nation?

condor said...

Indeed it did -- but (as often was the case, for the fledgling nation). . . primarily to accelerate US economic interests, at the old Arabian sea-ports of what is now modern day Libya.

That was 1796, and yet -- by a decade later, the treaty was broken -- leading to war.

As a matter of pure history, though, the First Amendment to the US Constitution (as the first of ten, in the Bill of Rights) was ratified five years EARLIER.

And, in any event, the Constitution is a higher order document -- a founding document, as to what this nation is, and is not.

We all know that treaties may be rescinded more easily than Constitutional provisions. But you are right -- great observation!

I'll hush now. . . smile.
