Thursday, January 27, 2022

EndPoints News Reports That Pfizer May Help FDA Speed The Release Of FOIA Documents, Providing COVID Vaccine Transparency. Good On Them!

Back to core-life science law and policy, then: John Carroll's EndPoints News has a good story out, on how the anti-vaxxers may just. . . run out of conspiracy theory-fodder, and soon.

I applaud the FDA's move to make thousands of pages of the data and documents available -- even to ardent, unschooled anti-vax lawyers and their clients. That is a free democracy, at work. And eventually the best antiseptic against their collective idiocy will be. . . sunshine. I trust Pfizer's team will adroitly speed the delivery (as it does with EUA application data-sets) -- it is in all of our enlightened self-interest, to let the truth shine through. There is no "12 Monkeys" conspiracy to depopulate the Earth, or put chips in people's bodies, or most-presposterously. . . replace all the "whyte pipple" in the US. . . with brown and black (and yellow) ones. . . via a weaponized designer virus. Sheesh.

And the data will show, in the vast majority of typical cases, mRNA vaccines are safe, and very effective. [The FDA might also consider voluntarily-releasing more data on the Ebola vaccine (see, Merck and partners), since it too is an mRNA approach -- and it has completely changed the course of that dread African virus, in one elapsed year.] Here's the more narrow topic though:

. . .The Jan. 6 court order required that FDA disclose more than 12,000 pages of information by the end of this month, and then 55,000 pages every 30 days, including the production of redacted versions of any documents for which FDA claims a privilege, exemption or exclusion.

“FDA respectfully requests that the January 6 Order be modified to provide that — for only the first two 30-day periods following FDA’s scheduled January 31, 2022 production -- FDA’s monthly quota be adjusted to 10,000 pages per month,” the agency wrote on Jan. 18. “FDA would use this period to ‘stand up’ the extraordinary resources that will be required to bring full compliance with the Order within the realm of possibility -- while still processing records at a rate on par with the most extreme processing rates that Plaintiff cited in its briefing. . . .”

Let's put these lunatics' claims to rest once and for all -- so that we may exit this now two year nightmare. Onward, smiling. . . . ever smiling, with a hat tip to Anon. for the embedded Brad Pitt reference above.



Anonymous said...

ha, ha, posted it...classic~~

condor said...

Yes. Quite a performance by Mr. Pitt!

Namaste. . . .