Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Consider It Mid-Week Humor, On Penn. Monkey-Truck Crash -- But Perhaps Q-Theorists Are Serious About It. If So, That Is... Sad.

As a rule, I try to avoid reading idiotic non-science based pandemic stuff by MAGA people, on Twitter and the like. ["I blame our public schools, here." Heh.]

But the author of this piece did a wryly-understated take-down of the would-be conspiracy theorists -- on last week's monkey truck crash on the Pennsylvania Turnpike system. It is a fact that a woman contracted pink eye, after touching one of the cages, in a Good Samaritan fashion. . . helping to move the cages off the highway.

But from that thin gruel, Q-Anoners have spun up a tale that Bill Gates is attempting a real life version of the movie "Outbreak" -- as a favor to (wait for it!) President Xi, in China. Uh-huh. Here's the very droll send up of this nonsense:

. . .While concerns around the ethics and safety of animal experimentation are legitimate, the chances that the CDC purposely crashed a monkey truck in order to re-enact a more than 25-year-old movie -- on behalf of Bill Gates and China seems. . . highly unlikely. . . .

Well. . . that's a smile. [Personally, the Q-theory sounds more like the original. . . Jumanji to me.]

Onward -- now just above zero on the thermometer (after minus seven around 4 a.m.), and only minus 12 -- on windchills. With the sun shining, that's. . . progress.




Anonymous said...

Personally, I would have gone with the classic Bruce Willis '12 Monkeys.'

and don't blame public schools..blame the parents...

condor said...

Excellent call! Forgot about Brad Pitt in that one. . . he was GREAT!

The cheesy monkeys in Jumanji seemed a better farce, given the crazy conspiracists (and no time travel). . . .

And my “schools” comment was intended to make fun of the people who say that, instead of looking at themselves.

So we agree on that as well. . . Coolio!

Thanks as always — great stuff!


condor said...

Hey you… once, smiling, at 8:47 pm.