Wednesday, November 10, 2021

[U] Yawn. You See, In "Real Federal Courtrooms"... Real EVIDENCE Must Back Claims -- For Extraordinary Injunctions. Hilarious.

Updated 11.12.2021 @ 10 PM EST: Its on to the Supremes, then. Fifth Circuit. . . has ignored controlling law, about proving actual harm -- before injunctions may lie. End, update.

Apparently not so, if you are Tangerine / GOP / white-grievances-affiliated party, filing in Texas, though.

Overnight, we read a 20 page long turgid mess of internally-inconsistent arguments... asserting that the potential "future only" (and thus wholly-imaginary) impact on ability to find workers who are vaccinated... warrants the equivalent of a preliminary injunction, today.


And the Fifth Circuit should say so. Will it? Who knows?

But at the Supremes, should they not say so -- it will be bounced summarily, by at least 6-3 margins.

Out, grinning -- what a passel of idiots. . . [Here is the actual black letter law, on it -- as we said yesterday].



Anonymous said...

In a similar vein of idiots: now they're sorry..only after getting caught and prosecuted.

condor said...


"Play stupid games; you'll win. . . stupid prizes."

And, this morning, Kyle the "AR-15 / Kid Killer" Rittenhouse has (unwisely) waived his right to remain silent, and is now testifying -- saying he was stopping an attack on him, even though his first shooting victim was unarmed.

And even though he had been ordered by police to go home. And was not lawfully (as a minor) in possession of that weapon on a city street (after curfew), and during a protest. So, again:

"Play stupid games; you'll win. . . stupid prizes."

Thanks again, for the comment -- good one.

Namaste. . . .