Tuesday, October 26, 2021

[Tangent:] The Elizabeth Holmes Felonies Trial -- A Side-Show, Now Half-Over...

I'll link to the more complete diary of this trial -- compiled at another of my properties, if anyone has any deeper or abiding interest -- in following her travails.

And I'll note this nice summation -- of the trial, so far -- from The Wall Street Journal, this morning

. . .Roughly halfway into a trial scheduled to run until mid-December, jurors have heard from a patient who said Theranos blood tests incorrectly led her to believe she was miscarrying [and another, who was falsely told she had AIDS], an investor who was swayed to give $5 million by the false claim that Theranos devices would help save soldiers’ lives, and a former government official and a supermarket chief executive officer who lost confidence in an entrepreneur they had once enthusiastically backed (with over $600 million in cash). . . .

Now you know -- onward, ever grinning. Overnight, tap-dancing and. . . grinning


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