Saturday, October 23, 2021

In DRC, Beni -- Yet Another Ebola Flare-Up: This Time Five Cases; Three Dead.

This is difficult news: and. . . it is likely the way it is going to be, now -- for a very long time -- every five to eight months, small pockets of transmission, yet likely quickly-arrested -- by ring vaccinations.

Here's the tragic latest -- out of Reuters, quoting the WHO, on the ground in Beni:

. . .Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo, October 18: Three new Ebola cases have been confirmed in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, bringing the total to five in the last 10 days, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday.

Health officials have said the latest flare-up of the virus appeared to be linked to the massive 2018-20 outbreak, which killed more than 2,200 people and infected more than 1,000 others.

The cases were detected on Saturday in the health district of Butsili, close to the city of Beni where the last outbreak was centred, the WHO said in a statement. Three people out of the five confirmed cases have died. . . .

Sad. . . but forward, we will move. We must. And the object lesson by analogy, in the US, for the unvaccinated, as to COVID. . . is crystal clear.


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