Saturday, October 23, 2021

I Certainly Wish They'd RE-Name It, BEFORE Launch -- But This Is A Great Video -- On The First Fraught 29 Days, Post Launch...

I fully expect that, by mid 2022 or so, the rumble will have reached. . . a roar. And NASA will re-name this space telescope.

That would be the right thing to do -- right now. Pre-launch. But I expect that governmental "inertia" is the issue. If you do not know what I am talking about -- just Google "J**** W*** controversy". This is not complicated, people. Just do it.

I don't even care if the plaques on the scope are not changed -- here on planet Earth, at the ESA and NASA, we should come up with a more honorable name -- and refer to it everywhere, by that new name -- without regard to the little plaque on its underbelly. Now -- as to science, this is a nice explainer (as edited, by yours truly):

. . .NASA will hold a series of virtual media briefings and events leading up to the launch of the [Redacted] Space Telescope, the premier space science observatory of the next decade. [Redacted], an international partnership with the European and Canadian space agencies, is targeted for launch Dec. 18 from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana, on the northeastern coast of South America. . . .

That is all -- do be better to one another, than at least some under-secretaries in the US State Department under Truman were -- and later, toward people they/he did not understand, at NASA, in the 1950s and '60s.


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