Monday, October 18, 2021

Colin Powell, A Great American, Has Passed. But The Idea That Anti-Vaxxers Abuse His Private Health Information... Is Appalling.

I genuinely cannot believe I need to type this -- here in the 21st Century. But when a US Secretary of State needs to hold even a part of press briefing to dispel some anti-vax lunacy -- and along the way, explain that Powell was immuno-compromised from his cancer treatments. . . and that his death from COVID-19 does not undercut the sensibility of getting a vaccine. . . I am dumbfounded.

I will note that vaccines work. And that the legacy of Colin Powell [with whom I had many disagreements on policy], is being dragged into this sort of nonsense. . . well, it undercuts the true nature of the man. He was a Great American. Full stop.

Please, Anti-Vax Luddites: take a seat. This is NOT about you. This is about the passing of a great man. Out.


1 comment:

condor said...

CNN, late tonight:

". . .None of the Fox News hosts made mention of the fact that 90% of Fox Corporation employees are vaccinated or the fact that unvaccinated Fox employees must submit to daily Covid-19 tests. . . .

Outside the Fox News bubble, other conservatives on the radio and web also used Powell's death to question the Covid-19 vaccines.

Anti-vaccine rhetoric has been a constant in right-wing media since early 2021.
A prominent tactic from those opposed to vaccines is the highlighting of unrepresentative anecdotes
. . . ."

U G L Y.