Sunday, October 17, 2021

Dateline Rural British Columbia: Woman Discovers Palm-Sized Meteorite Fragment -- On Her Bed's Pillow-Toppers.

She is very lucky -- as she was sleeping, right there.

She thought something in the house had exploded, when it tore through her bedroom roof. Pretty cool story, out of Canada -- as the geologists are finding more and more fragments -- of the same meteorite, along the same insertion-trajectory, of late:

. . .The meteor chunk hitting the roof sounded like an explosion, but at first Hamilton, 66, had no idea what had happened – only that she had dry wall dust all over her face and a sizable hole in the ceiling.

It was only after calling 911 that she realized what happened.

“I flipped back the top pillow and the rock was sitting there, it slipped between the two pillows,” she said. . . .

Now that's some better interplanetary space science news, to close a Sunday on. . . again, "from the basement of time" -- grin.


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