Monday, July 26, 2021

Even As Merck Doubles Lobby Spend In 2021, Pfizer (Through First Half) Is STILL Outspending Merck...

In the first half of 2021, Merck spent around $4.7 million. Well above prior years.

But in the same time frame -- albeit on a more summary level disclosure (compared to Merck's very candid and complete reporting). . . Pfizer spent over $6 million. Here are some details, on Pfizer's largess:

. . .Drug Pricing, Biosimilars, Drug Shortages, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Rebate Reform, Vaccine Infrastructure, Drug Importation. . . .

Medicare Part D, Coverage Gap, Rebate Reform, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Price Transparency, International Reference Pricing/Most Favored Nations. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform, International Tax Reform, OECD Profit Allocation, Manufacturing Credits. . . .

NAFTA/USMCA, Foreign Market Access issues (including IPR), International Supply Chain/Buy America, U.S.-Kenya FTA. . . .

TRIPS Waiver. . . .

So -- now you know. As you may quite plainly see, there are many long spears out (in the Capitol) -- and the question who will end up impaled, on the sharp end of one, and who will be the one. . . wielding that fearsome weapon? Smiling now. . . onward.


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