Sunday, April 11, 2021

"What If..." Dept.: What If The Wobbly Muon Effect, Is In Fact... The Way All Unexplained Things... May Be Explained?

You'll need to have read this last post, of last night, to fully appreciate this tangent / conjecture. I'll wait. Back already? Not to wax fanatical here, but this may well help us answer the single most important remaining open question -- in all of science: Are we alone?

Okay. . . so, if this result holds up in the data still being reviewed out of Fermilab, the "hole in the smooth curve of the quantum mechanical waveforms" represented by a wobbly muon, derivatively. . . may be the means by which we not only prove the existence of other intelligent beings in the universe, but actually achieve the "Contact" moment, with faster than light -- nearly instant -- communication between the far reaches of the known universe, and the doubtlessly present other highly advanced civilizations, all of which are very likely literally bursting at the seams, of our known habitable zone worlds, by the millions, in our observable universe.

And yes, now we've entered the realm of. . . science fiction -- but as is true with all good science fiction, it is one driven from emerging science "facts". I've mentioned the indie Canadian film "Clara" before (see at right). Even before the wobbly muon was most recently seen, it gets much right -- about the quantum physics in play, in the movie's final sequences. I won't spoil it though.

Just know that the muon g-2 data implies the speed of light may only be a "guideline" -- not a speed-limit law, per se. One the force driving the muon result seems gracefully, and blissfully able to. . . ignore. So, from the time (the "before times") when light speed was the hard limit, then -- we read this. . . and it may well be in need of. . . revision, after the full muon g-2 results are published:

. . .In quantum physics, there exists a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement, which is where you create more than one quantum particle — each with their own individual quantum state — where you know something important about the sum of both states together. It's as though there's an invisible thread connecting [the two particles, or more prosaically] your coin and my coin, and when one of us makes a measurement about the coin we have, we instantly know something about the state of the other coin that goes beyond the familiar classical randomness. . . .

[Ed. Note on the former standard model hypotheses: However, the mere the act of observing this "communication" -- at the other end, breaks the entanglement, returning both to random coin flips / spins.]

The only way that this problem could be circumvented is if there were some way of making a quantum measurement to force a particular outcome. (Note: this is not something permitted by the laws of physics.) [Condor's Ed. Note: the Muon g-2 observations may well make this author's parenthetical note. . . incorrect.]

If you could do this, then someone at the destination could conduct observations — for example, learning whether a planet they were visiting were inhabited or not — and then use some unknown process. . . to somehow make identical copies of your quantum state, faster-than-light communication would be possible. . . .

And so it goes. . . will we ultimately, even before this century's end -- be able to communicate instantly, with other intelligences, on the other side of the known universe -- or perhaps three centuries from now, be able to travel virtually to those points, in an instant or two (via some form of galactic television signal, moving at perhaps a trillion times the speed of light)? That sort of a future is not really too wild a conjecture, if we unlock the secrets of the forces that the phantom like appearance of a Muon-g-2 particle/wave-form points us toward.

Grinning, ear to ear -- and wondering if, as I lie on my death bed -- many, many years from now, I will hear some old David Gray song, and even sung slightly off-key. . . in the instant it is sung, over on the other side of the universe. . . that would be a "see 'ya next incarnation". . . invitation, indeed. Karma.


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