Monday, April 12, 2021

On This Blog's Central Topic: Even If It Weren't Written By "Jan. 6 Pro-Seditionists' Fist Gesture" Photo-Op Senator Hawley, This Bill Will Never Reach The Floor Of Either Chamber.

So much for the GOP being for small government -- or in favor of American free-enterprise. This guy is. . . a dangerous moron -- on many fronts.

I really don't need to say any more -- he would (despite his claims to being a Libertarian / Gooper!) ban all M & A by any pharma or life science or tech company with more than a $100 billion market cap. If he ruled the world.

Thank goddesses. . . he doesn't. Out -- looking forward to my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, tomorrow. A wonderful day. Onward, grinning.


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