Thursday, April 1, 2021

This Would Certainly Fuel His Imagination: Ingenuity Now Prepping To Fly, On Mars...

Well, it's been. . . exactly a year. A bizarre, often sad, isolating and isolated. . . year. With not even a fully-attended memorial to offer. . . some measure of closure.

Still we must all realize that life marches on. And even the sweetest of memories are often seasoned with some sadness too. That is the fundamental nature of any authentic life, well-lived.

So, some "new shoots" will help us all smile, and look to the better days ahead -- especially so, now as most Americans begin to get vaccinated.

To that end, about 14 minutes (at light speed) distant, from here -- a copter that weighs about as much as a small bag of sugar, on your grocer's shelves. . . is getting prepped for human beings' first engineered, autonomous powered flight off the surface of any other planet. [As a younger guy, he loved tinkering with radio- remote/controlled stuff, including model cars and copters. . . so the idea of this immensely remote lift-off, some 165 million miles away, on the western horizon, out into our evening skies. . . would please him, for certain.]

That NASA/JPL history-making window opens here -- starting tomorrow -- but the Ingenuity copter is not likely to make its first lift-off before April 8-12, 2021:

We are thus smiling, in spite of ourselves, this morning -- and we know he would be, too. Onward -- into the "undiscovered country", as first-imagined by Will Shakespeare. Be excellent to one another; be class leaders, too!


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