Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Later Arriving Data Suggests This Shard Of An Exo-Pluto Was Cookie- Or Pancake- Shaped...

Sometimes, a cigar is NOT just a cigar.

This time, in fact. And it is also not a conrolled-flight drone craft, from an impossibly distant exo-civilization. But it is. . . enchanting to imagine that it might have been. Here's the latest, from Space.com:

. . .Earth's first known visitor from interstellar space, Oumuamua, was likely a pancake-shaped chip off a Pluto-like world, researchers say.

These findings may shed light on the stuff a new class of planet, an exo-Pluto, is made of, scientists added.

Astronomers first detected the mysterious visitor named 1I/'Oumuamua — meaning 'scout' or 'messenger' in Hawaiian — in 2017.

Oumuamua's speed and trajectory revealed it originated outside the solar system, making it the first known interstellar object. . . .

Now you know. Onward, grinning -- into the warm night; tough day, tomorrow -- may be off grid. . . .


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