Thursday, April 22, 2021

Encouraging News, On The Twelfth Ebola Outbreak In Africa Front...

It is now crystal clear that widely-available, highly effective mRNA vaccines (from Merck, among others) are the primary reason this outbreak is rapidly fading away, and likely at below 50 deaths overall, across two countries. [Even so, one death is. . . one. . . too many.]

On the ground education, safe burial practices and the learnings from prior outbreaks all add to a much more hopeful public health picture, there. [At this point in the next-prior outbreak. . . there were over 200 dead, already. And far fewer indicators of overall. . . arrest.] Here's the latest:

. . .Outbreak Update: Since the 13th of April 2021, no new cases or deaths from Ebola virus disease have been reported in Guinea and Democratic Republic of Congo. Cumulatively there has been 35 cases of Ebola virus disease, including 18 deaths (CFR: 51%), and 15 recoveries from the Democratic Republic of Congo (12 cases; 6 deaths; 6 recoveries) and Guinea (23; 12; 9). These include two health workers from the Democratic Republic of Congo and five health workers from Guinea. . . .

▲ Updates from the Democratic Republic of Congo: The last confirmed case was reported 50 days ago. The outbreak will be declared over if there are no new cases reported over the next 13 days.

▲ Updates from Guinea: The last confirmed case and death reported was reported 17 days ago. . . .

Now you know. . . and do go plant something green; or water some new baby Spring shoots you see on your walks. . . or nuture. . . life, of any shape or kind. I will, too. . . onward, smiling -- as this would plainly. . .include teaching real life-science, sustainability, environmental stewardship, and conservation. . . to your kids.


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