Wednesday, April 21, 2021

[U: SOLVED!] Another Physical Science/Chemistry Stumper: What Does This Instrument... Do?

UPDATED: We have a. . . WINNER! Long term, erstwhile Anon. offers:

Anonymous said...make oxygen on Mars~~~

April 22, 2021 at 8:02 AM

It uses the "earth elements" of Mars, and the atmosphere, there, to do just that. It is onboard Perseverance, as we speak. I will explain its function later tomorrow afternoon, on Earth Day, here. . . .

But that isn't really to be regarded as a hint.

See at right, for the animated, exploded engineering view.

Onward. . . . grinning, now. . . [the honey bee ecosystem, with Moon in the upper left masthead, above -- is courtesy NASA. The one below reminds us that we are influencing ecological matters well beyond our home planet, now -- deep out into inky space -- not just the surface of Earth. . . .

In fact, even to emitting artificially produced CO2 (as a waste gas, from the above demonstrator device, in miniscule amounts) on Mars. For a noble purpose, to be sure -- and CO2 is a very common gas there. . . but we are changing that world, as well -- with our visiting presence.]



Anonymous said...

make oxygen on Mars~~~

condor said...

And... WE Have A...

W I N N E R !!!

Well done, erstwhile long term Anon....

Well done...

-- Namaste