Thursday, January 28, 2021

Laudable Private Advocacy Groups Move To Intervene, In Texas Before Judge Tipton, Tomorrow -- To Help Mr. Biden Protect The Undocumented...

This may very well become a full on national news. . . sensation: a plainly Republican leaning Judge (with a life-time appointment from Agent Orange a mere year ago), being shown a wide array of controlling Supreme Court precedents, that directly prevent him from (lawfully, at least) protecting Gov. Abbott and A.G. Ken Paxson any longer, in their Quixotic quest to make the state of Texas (from whole cloth) some form of an ill-described super-nation, with veto powers over the US federal government's clearly enumerated prerogatives.

Here is the full 23 page filing, and a bit:

. . .The implications of this suit are sweeping: Texas claims an effective veto on national immigration policy, and it seeks to upend a new Administration’s first steps towards setting national immigration enforcement policy just days after it took office.

But this is not just a fight among governments over sovereign power; this case involves serious human stakes. The injunction that Texas seeks will place noncitizens around the country at risk of deportation, even though many of them have paths to regularize their immigration status, claim humanitarian protection, or seek long-term grants of prosecutorial discretion in their favor. Their interests are acute and their perspectives are distinct from those of the parties.

Proposed Intervenors are two organizations whose members and clients include vulnerable noncitizens at risk of deportation and other serious adverse consequences if Texas is successful. To protect their interests, provide the Court with the organizations’ expertise regarding the immigration system, and share the perspective of directly impacted communities, Proposed Intervenors move to intervene in this action. “Federal courts should allow intervention where no one would be hurt and the greater justice could be attained.” Texas v. United States, 805 F.3d 653, 657 (5th Cir. 2015). . . .

Indeed -- we will live blog it all tomorrow at Noon Chicago, 1 PM Eastern. Buckle-up -- grinning!


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