Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Well -- It Seems Trump Is Looking At A "Scorched Earth" End To His Time In Office...

Both Facebook and Twitter -- over the past 15 or so hours -- have blocked viewers from seeing certain statements made by the (for now) sitting president of the United States. These actions were not taken lightly. These are duly-deliberated, previously warned about remedies. . . for intentionally lying about matters of life-or-death public health.

Let that sink in: this man -- supposedly the leader of the free world. . . is intentionally lying about a life or death issue, to his own base, and the world more widely -- about the potential lethality of COVID-19. This, with over 210,000 of his fellow citizens dead of it, and that number is climbing every night. Here's some of the story, from MSNBC:

. . .Facebook and Twitter on Tuesday took action against a post by President Donald Trump that falsely claimed the seasonal flu is more deadly than the coronavirus.

Facebook removed the post, and Twitter added a label warning of misinformation about the coronavirus before a user could click to view it. Twitter also prevented the tweet from being shared.

“As is standard with this public interest notice, engagements with the Tweet will be significantly limited,” a Twitter spokesperson told CNBC. . . .

The core of his lie is that it is no worse than a flu. Of course, we have long had FDA approved and widely available, nearly free of charge vaccines, for the annual flu variant strains. Not so, COVID -- not even close. This is a man who seems to be in the throes of a steroid therapy side-effect dementia -- or the fog of COVID brain. He is actively spreading a deadly virus, and lying about it.

The 25th Amendment may yet come into play / be needed -- before election day. He is also ordering the Treasury Secretary, and the Majority Leader in the Senate to cease negotiations with Democrats in either chamber, on a second round of stimulus until after election day. Before then, it is probable that at least one airline will... fail. Call me crazy -- but I think his chance of winning. . . is now very near zero. Out.


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