Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Slight Modification To Portland Order Preventing Trump Goons From Interfering With Press/Lawyers At Protests...

Not momentous by any stretch, but in a weekend order -- primarily to confirm. . . what is indisputably well-settled, existing First Amendment law, and to clarify the record, since this specific case in now on appeal (by Trump, on his loss) to the Ninth Circuit -- and thus reduce the number of issues to brief. . . both sides have agreed that the able USDC Judge Simon's injunction will not be read to mean that the press and/or lawyers may block police, or interfere with their work, in Portland.

The press and legal observers, however, obviously may remain on the street, even after an order to disperse -- to observe what the DHS goons do. That remains clear, so long as they stay out of the dead ahead path -- on which the police are then marching. [In related news, we personally participated, as part of the volunteer ACLU Legal Observers' team -- and saw this same dynamic work very peacefully -- in Kenosha, on two separate days, last week]:

. . . .We have added the language “No Journalist or Legal Observer protected under this Order may impede, block, or physically prevent the lawful activities of the Police.” The preliminary injunction otherwise remains unchanged. . . .

Trump should be prepared to see a lot of this -- free speech demonstrating / free press documenting, on his campaign trail in the next 55 or so days. Onward, out into a blustery, rainy gray city of big shoulders morning, grinning.


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