Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Paltry Additional $15 Million, For Current DRC Ebola Flare-Up -- From The Trump Controlled (For Now) USAID Government Fund

This mean-spirited slow- and low- walk, of international humanitarian health care crisis aid will last only so long as Trump does. Go. . . vote, to restore America's status as an emergency health care relief beacon -- to the planet.

In any event, here is the US government press release:

. . . .[T]he United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced more than $15 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help end the outbreak of Ebola in Équateur Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). . . . With this new funding, USAID is providing lifesaving assistance for the people affected by the DRC’s 11th outbreak of Ebola, including disease surveillance, the transportation of patients, training on the prevention and control of infections in health facilities, the promotion of safe and dignified burials, and community-engagement programs to ensure everyone has access to accurate information about how to prevent and treat the disease. . . .

This is truly a matter of life and death, even though the current flare up is at this point rather. . . moderate, by comparison to the last three outbreaks. Even so, as of September 3, 47 people in the DRC have died already.


1 comment:

Anon.Ahmaud.Arbery said...

Seen, once -- at 1:52 pm, downtown? Grin....