Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Of "Invisible" Brexit...

Back in December, we indicated that Boris and the Brexiteers might actually "exit" -- but it would not amount to anything -- for years.

That is so, because the EU Commissioners have yet to agree on any of the details. So no matter what the press images look like later this week -- with rubes waving Union Jacks or red crosses, on white fields [St. George's Cross -- circa 1606], for old late middle-ages England -- the truth is... it will all be status quo for years yet to come. Here's a bit -- cogently rendered, thanks to Politico:

. . . .With a whimper. . . it took one referendum, two national elections, three prime ministers and four years of continentwide political anguish for the United Kingdom to achieve Brexit, but you will find little proof of it across Europe as Britain heads for the door Friday. . . . [I]t’s been knocked off the global media agenda by events as disparate as Kobe Bryant’s death, President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and Australian wildfires.

In part that’s because not much changes at the stroke of midnight on Friday. . . .

It will take at least a year — and possibly up to a decade — to negotiate a detailed trade deal to manage the future EU-U.K. relationship. . . .

Indeed. Now you know. . . onward, grinning -- four and a half years on.


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