Friday, January 24, 2020

"No One Is" A Bigger Anti-Abortionist -- Than Trump?! C'mon, Man...

Let's print exactly what he said this morning -- as the first sitting president to attend the well-publicized rally: ". . .Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House. . . ." I realize the man is a pure liar. . . but this is beyond letting it go unmentioned -- even if off topic here.

He's well-documented as having paid for multiple abortions, himself [or through surrogates, like his former lawyer, Michael Cohen] -- and in at least one case, there are texts he does not dispute.

Here is the text, from that article -- as quoted:

. . . .The Dallas Morning News said it obtained text messages between [Donald Trump] and the woman, who wrote on May 3, 2012: “Donny, you’ve been parading your pro-life stance all over the place but you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child when you thought it would be bad for you.”

The president allegedly wrote back, “While I don’t think it’s mine, I really don’t. I can’t prove it, but I bet you’ve had a lot of sex. Anyway, I’ll send you a thou to get rid of it. . . .”

I've firmly support all women's agency -- over their own bodies. The dated graphic, related to a 2016 case, encapsulates what I believe, for myself. Out, into the fog, here. . . smiling, just the same.


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