Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Very Worthy Long Read: How The Ebola Vaccine Almost Didn't Make It -- With Kudos -- For Merck.

I'll not pre-sage (too much of) it. Just go read it all.

Here is just a bit of the STAT story:

. . . .In Winnipeg, Feldmann’s team infected mice with the VSV virus containing the Ebola glycoprotein. If Nabel’s theory was correct, exposure to the protein should have been toxic to the mice.

The rodents were unharmed.

As an afterthought, the group decided to expose the mice to Ebola to see what would happen. All the mice that had been infected with the VSV virus carrying the glycoprotein were fully protected from illness; the mice that had not been exposed to the VSV virus all died.

“I guess that was basically the start of the vaccine project, even though I don’t think we really jumped on it with a lot of priority right away,” said Feldmann. . . .

Here is to the people who made it happen -- all of them, over four decades. . . onward.


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