Thursday, September 5, 2019

Eleven Of Eighteen Parents Allowed To Return To US, At Government Expense, After Being Deported Without Their Children.

First, the reset, here: the original number had been 21, but two were found ineligible, and one had already made it back into the US -- and is in "credible fear" proceedings, at present.

So, of the 18 remaining, 11 will be allowed to return -- and the other seven may produce additional evidence that they are in entitled to return. All in all, a pretty solid victory for the Ms. L. class plaintiffs' lawyers (the cogent, full Judge Dana Sabraw opinion, as a PDF), against Team Trump. Here's a bit:

. . . .In light of the above discussion and the evidence presently before the Court, Plaintiffs have met their burden to show the removals of the following parents were unlawful: B.L.S.P., C.A.C., D.C.C., D.X.C., E.C.C., E.F.A.R., E.A.S.M., J.A.A., O.U.R.M., R.A.R.A. and S.A.C. Accordingly, Plaintiffs’ motion is granted as to these parents. . . .

Onward -- resist. . . the lawless Trumpers, everyday.


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