Friday, August 23, 2019

UPDATED -- From September 2015: On Appeal, A Loving Committed Same Sex Couple Wins Back Their Attorneys' Fees, From Kentucky.

Tonight we may joyfully report that Kim Davis, as an elected state official in Kentucky, has been ordered to pay the attorneys' fees of a couple in that commonwealth who simply asked that she do her job, and certify their marriage license, back in 2015. As you may recall, she refused to sign that marriage certificate, in violation of controlling US Supreme Court precedent.

Of course, it will be an arm of the commonwealth of Kentucky itself that pays the $450,000 [fees, plus accrued interest] -- but the principle is important. Do read it all -- but here is a bit of the 13 page PDF opinion:

. . . .As the district court put it, “[p]laintiffs did not achieve ‘only a symbolic victory”; “[they] won the war.” They prevailed, and because they prevailed, they’re eligible to recover attorney’s under Section 1988. . .

Excellent. Onward, to a more equal and just society, tonight -- and long into the August sunshine, of tomorrow.


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