Thursday, March 28, 2019

Update On Separated Families: Still Perhaps Hundreds The Government Hasn't Even IDENTIFIED Yet From July 1, 2017 Onward...

I am running out of remotely adequate metaphors here. The cold facts are. . . disgusting. Simply disgusting.

We are now about three months shy of two years (for perhaps hundreds of children undoubtedly still locked up, isolated from their parents). . . since the Trump minions started kidnapping kids at the Southern border. Early on, before the nation was aware it was happening (roughly from July 2017 to June 2018), it is highly likely that, as to the first ones so kidnapped -- some still remain unidentified -- essentially in "black sites" -- undisclosed to the ACLU (and all other human rights groups working on the settlement).

Trump's position (which he's now abandoning) was that since they were kidnapped before the litigation -- the government owed them no duties. If they've been released, to whom were they released; and how was this documented? Astonishing -- even for these monsters. . . that's an astonishing. . . breach of long-standing, fundamental international human rights law.

Here it is, from the latest (overnight) 18 page settlement status update (as a PDF file) -- in San Diego, in the US District courts there:

. . . .Plaintiffs’ aim is to ensure that every separated family has the opportunity to reunite. At this stage, Plaintiffs request that the government identify the families whom it separated on or after July 1, 2017 whose children were released from ORR before June 26, 2018. The government must provide this list to class counsel, along with information in the agencies’ possession as to the parent and child’s location and contact information. Once Plaintiffs are in possession of this information, they will work with advocacy partners to create a steering committee -- similar to the Deported Parents Steering Committee -- that can use the information to locate, communicate with, and counsel the families regarding their reunification options. Plaintiffs are willing to work with the Court and Defendants to develop ultimate timelines to identify Class members but believe the government must start the process immediately given how long these children were separated. . . .

It is staggering, that nearly two years on, the Trump lawyers still resist turning over basic information on families that Trump ordered separated before this litigation was filed -- from end of June 2017, to June 2018, when this litigation formally began. How does anyone do the mental gymnastics to convince themselves that they are "okay" to have done the same, to perhaps hundreds of others, before they got caught. . . doing it? How do they sleep at night. . . really?


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