Friday, March 29, 2019

"Very Superstitious" -- Of Ebola, Inside DRC Cities: The Human Price, Of Medical Misinformation, Exemplified...

I am a little late posting this (with family in town this weekend) -- but like those who are rabidly anti-vax, this sort of misinformation spreading. . . has life and death consequences. Discouraging indeed, it is.

Here is the very disconcerting ABC story (based on reporting in The Washington Post), from yesterday -- and a snippet:

. . . .More than 25 percent of respondents said they believed rumors Ebola doesn't exist. Additionally, some 33 percent said they believed the outbreak was fabricated by authorities for financial gains, while 36 percent said they believed it was fabricated to destabilize the region. Nearly a fifth believed all three statements, according to the study published Wednesday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. . . .

We must do better -- by one another. Here and in Africa. G'night.


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