Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Full 40 Years Ago, This Morning... First US Coin Featuring A Woman

I nominally write this morning to celebrate Susan B. Anthony's legacy -- first struck into silver, exactly 40 years ago this morning at US Mints -- in Denver and Philadelphia -- in 1978.

And sadly, it seems almost that long ago that we were seriously talking about the next woman likely to appear as the face of a denomination of US currency -- though it was only 2016. Appalling -- how far we have slipped (no one expects Mnuchin to move on this):

. . . .Lew also announced Wednesday that Andrew Jackson will move from the front of the $20 to the back, making way for Tubman. She'll become the first black woman ever to front a U.S. banknote.

Tubman, who died in 1913 at the age of 91, escaped slavery in the south and eventually led hundreds of escaped slaves to freedom as a "conductor" of the Underground Railroad. After the slaves were freed, Tubman was a staunch supporter of a woman's right to vote. . . .

"What she did to free people on an individual basis and what she did afterward," Lew said. "That's a legacy of what an individual can do in a democracy. . . ."

And two days ago, we all saw what happens when a strong, self-assured -- and unflappable woman confronts a small handed despot -- in the Oval Office. Congrats, Speaker Pelosi. Stay the course, and we may yet see Ms. Tubman on US currency, before 2020.

Onward, to a train, and a still-hoped-for more just, more inclusive society -- on a clear, chilly December morning. . . .


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