Tuesday, July 24, 2018

[U] Another Laughably Inept Effort, From Chad Readler -- Opposing a Seven Day Period To Confer With Counsel -- After Reuniting The Kids...

UPDATED -- 07.25.2018 @ 6 PM CDT: The pro bono plaintiffs' lawyers have answered the below. It is masterful, and well-thought through. Do go read it all.

I predict the able Judge Sabraw's soon-to-issue order will side with the pro bono lawyers. It is clearly the better reasoned position.

[End updated portion.]

To be clear: no amount of clever lawyering will save a position taken (intentionally it seems, by 45) to endorse crimes against humanity. Go ahead (if you are a glutton for punishment!) and read all of these turgid 34 pages (PDF) he just filed. Or. . . don't.

Let me sum up: Mr. Readler would claim, even though he already lost once on these issues (before this same judge), that the able Judge Sabraw ought to reverse course, find that the court either (i) has no jurisdiction to review the removal decisions, or (ii) that 48 hours is enough time to decide whether families should accept removal in order to be reunited, regardless of whether any lawyer has been able to speak with them.

Silly Mr. Readler. The Flores consent decree specifically prevents such an outcome. It is the controlling law of the land.

Bub-bye, Chad. Now we await the able judge's rulings, on the record, in the docket -- later this evening in San Diego.

But be aware, last night we learned that the parents of at least 460 children now being held were deported, without the children -- and may well be "unfindable" -- since ICE didn't bother to track any of them. The US (under Trump's monstrous hand) essentially just admitted that it intentionally created over 460 orphans. Deplorable is. . . as deplorable does. These kids are very likely never to be reunited.

Trump is committing ongoing crimes against humanity.


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