Sunday, July 30, 2023

Merck + NewLink: The Ebola Vaccine Will Now Be Approved In US For Children Age 1 And Up [Was 18 And Up].

The WHO had already recommended it for children (in emergencies), last year. And -- as we all know -- the bulk of the burden of this virus would be in sub-Saharan Africa. Of course, though, many local governments (including many in Africa) wait, and follow US FDA's lead.

Now that key approval has come -- so whenever the next flare up occurs (and we may be certain a flare up will come, in time, again), most of sub-Saharan Africa will already have approvals to administer the Zaire version vaccine to toddlers and children, in ring fashion (contacts of contacts). That's the import of this development. Here's that recent news, from the

. . .Last Thursday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Ervebo, a vaccine for the prevention of Ebola virus disease caused by Zaire ebolavirus in individuals 12 months through 17 years of age.

Developed by US pharma giant Merck & Co, Ervebo has been approved in Europe and the USA for use in individuals 18 years of age and older since late 2019.

Cases of Ebola are very rare in the USA, and those that have occurred have been the result of infections acquired by individuals in other countries who then traveled to the USA, or health care workers who became ill after treating patients with Ebola, the FDA noted. . . .

Now you know. . . smiling. All good news. Be excellent to one another. . . as ever.


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