Saturday, August 13, 2022

Yet Another Federal Court Rules That Tangerine Has Acted "In Bad Faith" -- As President. Saturday Pile-On Edition.

At the head of the week, we mentioned that Trump's campaign was trying to escape a putative class action in Manhattan, brought on behalf of all people who signed NDAs while at 1600 Penn., in any capacity. That purported escape. . . will fail -- he could not have forced people (we as taxpayers were effectively paying) to stay mum about truthful problems they saw during his time at 1600 Penn.

But we write to note that he is likely to owe millions in damages, on top of opposing attorneys' fees -- since the court has already ruled that he acted "in bad faith" in threatening people, and actually suing people on the NDAs -- to shut them up -- while he was still president. Our money paid for those people. And he is again -- as found by explicit federal court order -- a bad faith actor:

. . .[T]his Court has already found that “the Campaign’s past efforts to enforce the non-disclosure and non-disparagement provisions demonstrate that it is not operating in good faith to protect what it has identified as legitimate interests. . . .” Nor should it be trusted to act in good faith now with regard to the selfsame agreements. . . .

The former President is well aware of the Campaign NDAs at issue in this case, and is likely also aware of his power to enforce the NDA. On August 31, 2019, he tweeted, “I am currently suing various people for violating their confidentiality agreements. . . .”

Plaintiffs do applaud the Campaign’s implicit recognition that the NDAs are invalid and certainly support any efforts to reach an early resolution of the case. Plaintiffs have previously suggested stipulations and a settlement that would resolve such issues, but the Campaign has rejected Plaintiffs’ efforts. Accordingly, Plaintiffs would respectfully request a conference with the Court, at which the options for resolution or at least narrowing of the few remaining issues could be addressed.

Plaintiffs therefore respectfully request that the Campaign’s request to be allowed to bring a second motion to dismiss be denied, and respectfully request a conference with the Court with the goal of narrowing or resolving the remaining issues in this lawsuit
. . . .

Now you know -- this guy is a pure cancer, on American notions of ordered liberty.

Onward -- to a fun night out, under the stars, on a restaurant veranda, with dear friends. . . smiling.


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