Friday, July 17, 2020

The "Notorious RBG" Needs Our Good Karma -- Send Some Her Way! Get Well Soon, Boss!

I just know she will pull through -- she's. . . a boss. You know it -- we know it. But do wish her well (in whatever manner works for your world-view), just the same.

Here's the bit, from the excellent

. . . .Early Tuesday morning, Ginsburg was admitted to The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where she underwent a procedure to “clean out a bile duct stent that was placed last August,” when she was treated for a tumor on her pancreas. Ginsburg, the court indicated, is now “resting comfortably.” [For her part, she says she's still working "full steam."]

This is Ginsburg’s second stay at Johns Hopkins in just over two months. In early May, she was treated there for what the court described as a “benign gall bladder condition” and participated in oral arguments by telephone from the hospital.

Before her treatment last year, Ginsburg had been treated for cancer three other times: She had surgery to remove cancerous growths from her lungs in December 2018, had a previous bout with pancreatic cancer in 2009 and was treated for colon cancer in 1999. She also underwent heart surgery in 2014. . . .”

Indeed. We are pulling -- and pulling hard -- for you, RBG. Go get it!


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