Thursday, November 30, 2017

About 3.3 Million Years Ago -- And 43 Years Ago, Today...

At some point, somewhere between 3.3 and 4.0 million years ago, possibly on a morning not unlike this, an exquisitely bi-pedal hominid fell from a height of at least 40 feet (most likely falling from a tree) -- and shattered both her forearms, and her leg. She died there, some hours later, of these injuries. [That we know, from her unhealed fractures.]

Which is supremely ironic, given that the bone structure in her foot clearly indicates she walked upright (as does the connection of her spine to her skull), and so, she no longer had the closer to simian "tree gripping feet" of her far more distant forebears.

Yes -- though she walked upright, she was barely a three and a half feet tall. And perhaps she fell from the tree, while sleeping there, in the relative safety it afforded. We will never know. What we do know is that 43 years ago today, paleontologists working in the Afar region of central Ethiopia found her fossilized remains, including portions of her skull, and both broken arms.

They immediately knew: she was special. She was unlike any we'd ever previously known -- and in a very visceral sense -- speaking about common DNA at least, she is the mother of us all. We are all Africans. We all originated there, somewhere along the Olduvai Gorge, it seems. We are truly from one people, under these outward appearances of difference. Our DNA tells the truth of it. We are more alike than we are not alike, my friend.

. . . .We are more alike than we are not alike, my friend. . . .

-- Maya Angelou

So -- despite Mr. Trump's howlingly primitive rhetoric -- we should all take a moment, and thank our collective, universal, shared mother. Our African mother. Likely brown of skin. Likely stronger than most elite oarsmen, in her arms and thighs. . . likely from whence we all come. . . . these, the shards of DNA that she shared with us, to this day -- they run along all our genomes -- they make us what it is to be. . . human. That make us literally -- from many -- one. Try to have a better day than 45 would want you to. Do not let fear divide us -- we are more alike, than not alike, my friends.



Anonymous said...

So, do you still think the tax reform won't go through? I'm not so convinced anymore.

I do appreciate the recent posting. Independent of the posting, I just don't understand why people cannot see we are all connected. Every single one of us~~down to the smallest of our components.

condor said...

Thanks Anon. —

I still think the House and Senate versions, respectively, each have failed to address fundamental disagreements between them.

Just as was true with ACA “repeal”.

If the Senate does vote a package — the pressure will be on the House, to fall in line.

But I don’t think it will be enough.

So no, I don’t think 45 will sign any sweeping tax package in 2017, or 2018.

I agree that chances have brightened a bit — on that score — but in the mean time, 45 is closer to the business end of a Muller III shellacking, now by far.

I think he may end his term a full two years early... not that he’ll lift even a finger to save Jr., and his Son-In-Law... I just think... he’s trapped.

Game; Set; Match.
