Saturday, May 13, 2017

Now Eleven Confirmed Ebola Cases... In Congo's 2017 Outbreak.

It is with some deep concern that I report this update -- as it signals a fully blossomed outbreak -- a new one -- but it seems that WHO health authorities are on-scene, very near in time to the discovery of the first case -- or the index case, as its called.

Specifically, it would seem that the index case patient was likely transported by cab to a health care facility, where he died. Then his cab driver succumbed, just a few days later. Now a third person, who cared for the likely index case, has died. Overall, in the far northern border province of the Congo, there are eleven confirmed cases -- just since April 23:

. . . .11 cases; 4 deaths. . . Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health care workers has been shipped on 12 May 2017 to Kisangani. Additional kits are currently being prepared and will be shipped as soon as available. . . .

The bulk-packed vaccine stock cannot arrive soon enough -- and the vaccinations cannot begin soon enough. Please keep the people of the Congo, and Bas-Uele province in particular, in your meditations, on Mother's Day.


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