Here is the great resource provided by -- do go read it all:
. . . .For example, health plans must cover – without cost-sharing – at least one form of contraception in each of the 18 method categories defined by Federal Drug Administration. “For the hormonal contraceptive methods, coverage therefore must include (but is not limited to) all 3 oral contraceptive methods (combined, progestin-only, and extended/continuous use), injectables, implants, the vaginal contraceptive ring, the contraceptive patch, emergency contraception (Plan B/Plan B One Step/Next Choice), emergency contraception (Ella), and IUDs with progestin. Accordingly, a plan or issuer may not impose cost sharing on the ring or the patch,” according to the FAQ. . . .
Moreover, plans cannot limit sex-specific recommended preventive services based on an individual’s assigned sex at birth or recorded gender. The FAQ notes that where a health care provider determines that a recommended preventive service is medically appropriate for an individual – “such as, for example, providing a mammogram or pap smear for a transgender man who has residual breast tissue or an intact cervix” – the plan or issuer must provide coverage for the recommended preventive service without cost-sharing.
“That’s a level of detail I don’t think we’ve seen elsewhere either in the preventive services guidance under ACA or the other ACA guidance,” notes Bergner.
The FAQ also notes that plans must implement an exceptions process so that if a patient’s medical provider recommends a different contraceptive based on medical necessity within a certain category, that contraceptive must also be covered without cost-sharing. . . .
Savvy HR professionals will take note -- and make sure that their employers, and their plans, and those from whom they buy coverage, provide this truly free coverage. There are now rather substantial penalties for even negligent non-compliance. It is the law, folks -- and it is important to preserve a woman's meaningful right. . . to choose. Onward.

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