Here's the stuff:
. . . .The America’s Diabetes Challenge program offers many resources, including tips to help people with type 2 diabetes reach their goals, tools to track their A1C goal, and questions they can ask their doctor. People with type 2 diabetes can access these resources and take the America’s Diabetes Challenge pledge to set and attain their own blood sugar goals by visiting . . .
After being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2003, celebrated film, stage and television actress S. Epatha Merkerson got serious about her health. Now, she’s teaming up with Merck on America’s Diabetes Challenge: Get to Your Goals to urge people with type 2 diabetes to achieve better control of their blood sugar.
"I lost my father and grandmother to complications of type 2 diabetes," says Merkerson, "so I learned firsthand how important it is to know your A1C and make a commitment to getting to your goal. . . ."
The burden of Type II is vast, and accelerating, in the US. So I applaud the effort. That this helps to sell Januvia® (and other Merck meds) is of no moment -- it is the right thing to do.

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