On Thursday night, in passing, I mentioned that a kind Dutch commenter had once again informed us of an additional 440 people being eliminated in MSD's Oss operations (our latest backgrounder -- with links to older background). What was (and is) not clear is whether this was/is all contemplated as part of the sale of the API businesses to Aspen, in late 2013 -- or whether these are entirely new internal-MSD head count reduction rounds -- from ongoing, previously-announced global Merck facilities and R&D "rationalization" programs. He wrote:
. . .Another blow for the MSD site in Oss. Today 440 employees of the Development Center were told they will lose their jobs. So much for the R&D activities of what once was the most innovative pharma company in the Netherlands. . . .
Now we have a Dutch media report of the same. [But it remains unclear (to me, as a non-Dutch speaker) exactly which parts of the Oss operations were impacted.] In any event, I'll provide a bit of the article in Google-translation (imperfect) English -- and the same passage, in the original mother tongue. You may then cut and paste, from this Dutch online news link, and drop it in the handy Google Translate Box -- for your very own imperfect but pretty cool translation of the whole shebang. And again -- the original -- from our erstwhile anonymous Dutch commenter and kind gentleman-buddy is here. [My commenters rule!]
. . . .In the previous layoffs 80 percent of the dismissed people who were notified of the job actions, were actually let go [according to Works Council spokesman] Mol, within nine months. [When other trnsactional solutions (i.e., divestitures to other companies)] failed, parent company Merck [notified the local Works Council] that it would close the research department in 2011, but that was then prevented [presumably by the sale to Aspen]. Half of the researchers did then still remain. MSD Oss [presently is only] a production department with about 1,500 workers, plus a so-called registration department with 30 employees.
Mol finds it "terrible" that the company can offer the people at the development center in Oss no future." The pharmaceutical industry is in dire straits and that is also true in the MSD case. Here [we do quality control on the API for various drugs] with a fine-toothed comb that we have in development. We work thus now less on medication, which really helped to improve patients' lives. . . ."
. . . .Bij de vorige ontslagronde slaagde 80 procent van de ontslagen mensen die begeleid werden er volgens Mol binnen negen maanden weer in aan het werk te komen. Moederbedrijf Merck wilde de onderzoeksafdeling in 2011 al helemaal sluiten, maar dat werd toen voorkomen. De helft van de onderzoekers kon destijds nog blijven. In Oss blijft nu een productieafdeling over met 1500 man plus een zogenoemde registratieafdeling met 30 medewerkers.
Mol vindt het "vreselijk"dat het bedrijf de mensen geen toekomst kan bieden bij het ontwikkelingscentrum in Oss. "De farmasector verkeert in zwaar weer en dat is ook bij MSD het geval. Er is nog eens met de stofkam door de medicijnen gegaan die wij in ontwikkeling hebben. We werken daardoor nu aan minder medicijnen, die ook echt aan verbetering bij patiƫnten helpen. . . ."
My meditations are with you all, there in Oss. Namaste, -- the Three Day Condor
[UPDATED Editorial Change of Plans: Here is the whole (stilted) English translation, so the Google search bot finds all these keywords, when it crawls overnight -- and associates them to my blog.
Emerging (not yet profitable) Markets for MSD
In the previous layoff 80 percent of the dismissed people who were guided according Mol come within nine months. Again failed to work Parent company Merck wanted to research department in 2011 certainly close , but that was then prevented. Half of the researchers could then still remain . Oss now remains a production department with about 1,500 men plus a so-called registration department with 30 employees .
Mole finds it " terrible " that the company can offer the people at the development center in Oss no future. " The pharmaceutical industry is in dire straits and that is at MSD case . There is further passed through the drugs with the fine-toothed comb that we have in development. We work thus now less medication , which really help to improve patients . "
Emerging Markets
Moreover, it proved much harder than expected to get drugs for emerging markets much harder on the man says Mol. " We have them have developed here, and that went well , but at the time we went to the authorities in the emerging countries , found that the claims were made . Much stricter Then you need to do additional clinical trials , which proved to be much more taking longer than expected. investment is not profitable to do so. " which itself
The staff is Thursday in the cafeteria and also get informed individually to hear when a departure is scheduled Thursday told President David Crab works . The first employees quit on July 1.
The reorganization is the result of a decision by the management in the United States . MSD will focus less on self- development of medicines , bringing fewer new drugs on the market and lost important patents . " That something would happen were known, but the magnitude is extremely disappointing and is a big hit ,'' says the works .
The local MSD management has done research for alternatives , but concluded that there are no possibilities to sell businesses and jobs to keep for longer in a statement. The council does not know the research and still can not estimate whether the attempts for job retention have been sufficient. " First, it's time for emotions ,'' said Crab.
For affected researchers there is a social plan . The staff draws hope from the past. Of the researchers who were dismissed in 2011 , found about 80 percent work again .
Mayor Wobine Buijs Oss responded Thursday severely disappointed at the loss of so much expertise and knowledge. "We realize what the impact of this decision for the employees and families should be. We will do what we can to get the job '' , as many people leave the church in a statement. . . .

I'm not. Completely sure if this arrangement is still in place, Condor, I was sent to Oss shortly after the merger for some due diligence work - but there are (were) two sites in Oss. The one being the plant that was clearly bought by Aspen but also an Oss (east or west, I honestly can't remember) where some very specialized research took place. My rusty recollection is that it was RNA based so I fear these actions may be related to the smaller site - though I could not be sure.
In any event, terrible for the town and people of Oss. Organon was regarded as Merck in NJ when they were at the top of their scientific game.
Thanks so much, man!
I expect our local commenter (in OSS) will help us out with more detail, soon.
And yes -- truly sad to see legacy Organon become but a shadow of its former Dutch self. . .
Namaste -- do stop back!
Thanks so much, man!
I expect our local commenter (in OSS) will help us out with more detail, soon.
And yes -- truly sad to see legacy Organon become but a shadow of its former Dutch self. . .
Namaste -- do stop back!
YOU Are right :)
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