This year Pfizer reports on the approaching Tuesday morning, a bit before NYSE market open -- so we will let the readership know what we see (especially on currenies). So, do stop by on Tuesday, at some point.
Now, being keenly aware that reading year end financial press releases may be dreadfully boring to many, I thought I'd toss a fun bonus in here:
Compiled from this great web-post at The Toast, here is a bit of a primer -- on how to tell if you are in a Bronte novel(!). Do go read it all -- but here is a bit:
. . . .Your grandest ambition is to open a small school with four chairs and three well-behaved students, and to someday own a vase with a flower in it, and perhaps to have a second dress. . . .
You take that part about the second dress back; you dare not fly so close to the sun, lest Icarus-like, your wings are singed. . . .
Someone compares you to a sparrow. . . . Someone compares the man you secretly love to a hawk or a crow. . . .
You have an enemy who claims to love you. . . . You are competent at embroidering, but not accomplished. . . .
You draw horrifying shipwrecks and lightning-ruined oak trees in your spare time. You have never danced, not even once, not even in your dreams. . . .
Then you -- my dear readers -- are in. . . the Bronte ZONE. . . Bump Bah Baaaaaah! Do go read the rest! More serious fare tomorrow. Or perhaps not.

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