So now you know. And as I've mentioned before (with $20 billion in foreign cash tied up off-shore), Merck spends nearly ten times what Apple spends on lobbying, each year. But Apple (as of mid-2013) has $160 billion similarly tied up offshoe. Interesting, no?. . .▲ Playing Fair on Trade and Innovation Act (HR 3167) [that's the India patent rights row, for Merck, largely about Januvia®, and the sitagliptin phosphate polymorphs]. . . .
▲ Additives in beef cattle (no specific bill) [that's the Zilmax® US/Canada markets withdrawal spat!]. . . .
Patent settlements (no specific bill) [that's the pay to delay controversy, with allegedly collusive generic/branded deals]. . . .
▲ Non-interference in Medicare Part D (no specific bill); Medicaid-style rebates in Medicare Part D (no specific bill); Independent Payment Advisory Board (S. 351, H.R. 351).
▲ Alzheimer's education (no specific bill); 340b (no specific bill); hepatitis C education (no specific bill).
▲ Comprehensive tax reform (no specific bill); transfer pricing of intangibles (no specific bill); territorial tax system (no specific bill). . . .
▲ Deferral of taxation of foreign earned income (no specific bill) [that's the repatriation of the perhaps $20 billion Merck still has in allegely permanently off-shore earnings, for which it has been lobbying to garner a tax holiday -- and return the cash to the US -- at very, very low rates]. . . .
▲ Tax base erosion (no specific bill) [Note that here Merck lobbies to keep healthy tax bases (keep other taxpayers "roped in"), in all the cities and municipalities where it has facilities -- and note that the US tax policies on foreign income (immediately prior bullet) work directly against that -- by giving Merck incentives to seek tax subsidies on foreign generated income]. IRONIC.
▲ Trans-Pacific Partnership (no specific bill); biologic data exclusivity (no specific bill); US-EU trade agreement (no specific bill); trade promotion authority (no specific bill).
▲ Supply chain safety (no specific bills).
▲ Access to over-the-counter medications (no specific bill); compounding (no specific bill).
▲ Deficit reduction (no specific bill); ADAP funding (no specific bill).
▲ Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA). . . .
▲ Sequestration of FDA user fees (S. 1413, H.R.2775) [That kept FDA approval process open during the 16 days of October 2013 (a/k/a the Tea Partiers' shutdown).]
It is late, and so. . . Some times, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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